Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens product. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens 1993 london. Music by janet hood it was presented to critical acclaim in london at the kings head theatre in 1992 and. We meet these and more through the vignettes and the ten songs which punctuate them, notably my brother lived in san francisco, im holding on to you, i dont do that any more, and the closer learning to let go which had the cast breaking the fourth wall and made me tear up. Lyrics for heroes all around elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens by janet hood. It is easy to forget, in these days of effective drug treatments, that life for hivpositive people was so very different 30 years ago. Then there is the matter of the artists on the recording itself. I watched the parade as it passed by the junkies and hottotrot teens, and it felt so right to be sharing the night with angels, punks and.
Each poem represents a character who has died from aids. It is quietly moving and stands the passage of time. Book and lyrics by bill russell music by janet hood. Elegies for angels punks and raging queens tickets. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens original london cast recording licensed to youtube by ingrooves on behalf of first night records show more show less. Dramatic, powerful and emotionally intense, it celebrates those who have lost their lives to aids. Elegies for angels punks and raging queens is a musical song cycle with a blues, jazz and rock score inspired by the names project aids memorial quilt, with music by janet hood and lyrics and additional text by bill russell. My brother lived in san francisco from elegies for angels.
Elegies original london cast angels, punks and raging. Sep 25, 2012 elegies for angels, punks and raging queens original london cast recording licensed to youtube by ingrooves on behalf of first night records show more show less. Print and download in pdf or midi my brother lived in san francisco. In the canyons of death friends lying in a daze silently fighting their way through the ha. The song cycle was first produced at the ohio theatre in new york in 1989 before a run offbroadway in 1990. I watched the parade as it passed by the junkies and hottotrot teens, and it felt so right to be sharing the night with angels, punks and raging queens we played that gig for a long time got to know some folks, have them some change or took their cards heard their schemes listened to their jokes. Elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens runs through november 19, in the cotuit center of the arts black box theater. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens bill russell wrote the book and lyrics for the critically acclaimed broadway musical side show, receiving a tony nomination for book and sharing a nomination with composer henry krieger for score. In rhyming monologues and song, elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens tells the stories of some 30 people who have died from aids. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens by bill russell. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens is a song cycle with music by janet hood and lyrics by bill russell. Origin theatrical elegies for angels, punks and raging queens. Elegies for angels punks and raging queens song question. We played this dive in the village somewhere on the edge, during the breaks id hang outside.
Play details monologues add a monologue trivia directors notes rate this play publishers website. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens, white. Elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens concord theatricals. For angels punks and raging queens original cast recording music skip to main content. All elegies original london cast lyrics sorted by popularity, with video and meanings. Elegies for angels punks and raging queens is a dramatic and musical. Elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens played in august 2010 at the shaw theatre, london. It was presented to critical acclaim in london at the kings head theatre in 1992 and the following year at the criterion theatre. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens is another jewel in his crown. Written by bill russell and janet hood this collection of free verse poems and songs reflects the lives of people who have lived with and died from aids touching, dramatic, humorous. There are over 30 poems touching, dramatic, humorous.
Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens continues at the shaw theatre, euston road, london nw1 until 28 august. If you havent got anything to trade but are interested in something then please still contact me. The stage is where i live and come alive and act out all the things that go on in my life. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens kickstarter. Inspired by the names project aids memorial quilt and edgar lee masters spoon river anthology, the show is an incredibly moving, funny and powerful series of songs and monologues written from the perspective of aids sufferers, their friends and families. As the torrent of water dried up for the first time in thousands of years.
Through a series of heartrending monologues, hear the struggles of various people who have battled with the disease. Northern irish original cast december 31, 2010 elegies for angels, punks and raging queens is a dramatic and musical theatre piece composed of free verse poems and songs reflecting the lives of people who have lived with and died from aids. May 10, 2006 elegies for angels, punks and raging queens brentwood theatre company will be performing a thoughtprovoking play telling the stories of a variety of victims of the aids virus. Elegies for punks, angels, and raging queens, bill russell by laura shofner. Level 3 mt stratford upon avon college tickets available at. Book and lyrics by bill russell, music by janet hood, filmed by tim mccarthy, casting by. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens criterion. A charity performance of elegies for angels, punks and raging queens in aid of the rainbow project. Elegies for angels punks and raging queens is a dramatic and musical theater piece composed of free verse poems and songs reflecting the lives of people who have lived with and died from aids. Jan 21, 2018 elegies for angels, punks and raging queens is a song cycle inspired by edgar less masters 1915 work, spoon river anthology, and the names project quilt told in freeverse monologues with a blues, jazz and rock score. And then theres elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens a sad, funny, extraordinarily moving musical theater piece about people lost. A musical song cycle inspired by the names project aids memorial quilt, supporting the terrence higgins trust. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens at the union. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens is a song cycle with music by janet hood and lyrics and additional text by bill russell.
Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens belfast 2010. Elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens the bmj. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens is a song cycle inspired by edgar less masters 1915 work, spoon river anthology, and the names project quilt told in freeverse monologues with a blues, jazz and rock score. I hope you find it useful and i didnt made any big mistakes. We played this dive in the village somewhere on the edge, during the breaks id hang outside have a smoke, sitting on a ledge. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens a musical song. Alex is assistant director on the musical elegies for angels, punks and raging queens at the union theatre running 15 may 8 june. Dramatic, powerful and emotionally intense, elegies for angels, punks and raging queens celebrates those have lost their lives to aids. Miquel brown and simon green and kwanme kweiarmah take the story further with their quiet,powerful deliveries.
The musical was subsequently presented at the rapp arts center in new york on february 21, 1990. The benefit weekend begins on saturday, october 15 at 7. Bill russell born 1949 is an american librettist and lyricist. This live recording of a one night performance of elegies is hard to. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens brentwood theatre company will be performing a thoughtprovoking play telling the stories of a variety of victims of the aids virus. Elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens bill russell. Traceys monologue from elegies for angels, punks and raging. What song from a musical always brings an emotional response. Bbc essex entertainment elegies for angels, punks and. Jun 01, 2015 elegies for angels, punks and raging queens at the criterion theatre, london star rating. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens wikipedia. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens at the. Started in 1985, the aids memorial quilt memorialises the lives lost to hiv with a series of personalised panels that, as they have become stitched together, form the largest and yet most intimate piece of public art in the world. Written by author sam tatum, it is a grand voyage of emotions that can only be fully appreciated by reading and submerging yourself into the mind of a true romantic.
Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens act i angels, punks and raging queens holding on to you and the rain keeps fallin down i dont do that anymore heroes all. Synopsis elegies for angels punks and raging queens is a dramatic and musical theater piece composed of free verse poems and songs reflecting the lives of people who have lived with and died from aids. More about elegies for angels, punks and raging queens. Each of the monologues is written from the perspective of characters whove died from aids and the songs represent the feelings of. The characters represent all walks of life, ranging from gay men and straight married couples, drug addicts and those infected through blood transfusions. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens continues at the union theatre, london until 8 june 2019 star rating. Angels, punks and raging queens elegies original london. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens was first performed in new york in 1989, and is a collection of monologues from a wide variety of characters who lived with and died of aids. Told with love, honesty, and humour, its a tribute to those we lost to the aids epidemic and those whove been left behind. Its not just what i do for a living, its my shrink and my love affair. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens is a dramatic and musical theatre piece, with music by janet hood and book and lyrics by bill russell, comprised of free verse poems and songs exploring the lives of aids victims. Legendary musical writer and director bill russell side show, elegies for angels, punks and raging queens reunites with actor miles western for a brand new production of pageant, which ran in. Janet hood heroes all around elegies for angels, punks.
Among his stage musicals are elegies for angels, punks and raging queens and side show, which was nominated for the tony award as best musical. The work features songs and monologues inspired by the names project aids memorial quilt and edgar lee masters spoon river anthology. Of course, much of the credit for this inspirational and moving work goes to bill russell and janet hood without whose vision we would all be on the darker side of the world. For angels punks and raging queens original cast recording music. Tony awardnominated book writer and lyricist bill russell revisits his elegies for angels, punks and raging queens the song and poetry cycle he created with composer janet hood with. My brother lived in san francisco 2009 internet archive. Cast announced for elegies for angels punks and raging queens. Lyrics for angels, punks and raging queens by elegies original london cast. Elegies is a song cycle with music by janet hood and lyrics and additional text by lyricist bill russell. Originally titled the quilt, this beautiful song cycle with lyrics and book by bill russell and music by janet hood, was inspired by the names project aids memorial quilt, conceived in 1985 in san francisco to commemorate the lives lost in the.
Reminiscent of the memorial quilt that inspired it, elegies for angels, punks and raging queens is a patchwork of personal stories and free verse. Elegy to black diva is a series of poetry that is a journey into the many phases of love gained, lost and sought after. This is a sheet from the musical elegies for angels, punks and raging queens. Aug 19, 2016 elegies for angels punks and raging queens is a musical song cycle with a blues, jazz and rock score inspired by the names project aids memorial quilt and features music by janet hood and lyrics and additional text by bill russell. Elegies original london cast angels, punks and raging queens lyrics.
Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens is a deeply moving tribute to those who have died from aids and the loved ones they have left behind. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens musical learning to let go lyrics. The performance of elegies is a song cycle, or a series of songs by a single composer that are poetically related to form a unified work, which also includes a series of actors who step forward to talk about the life story of individuals who have died of aids. I found it useful to upload it because i know some people are desperately looking for this sheet. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens is a cycle of songs and monologues by bill russell side show, unexpected joy and music by janet hood. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens the guide to musical. Of course the flamboyant miss kim criswell leads the cast with her opening of angels, punks and raging queens.
Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens musical. Elegies for angels punks and raging queens tickets charing. Elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens oct 15. Stream traceys monologue from elegies for angels, punks and raging queens by spiketape from desktop or your mobile device. Fraser leigh green and matthew grove in elegies for angels, punks and raging queens. The 32 stories are told by those whove gone, from a perspective beyond the veil. We played this dive in the village somewhere on the edge, during the breaks id hang outside have a smoke, sitting on a. Lyrics to angels, punks and raging queens by elegies original london cast. Marc kellys production is relatively well done, yet the script is not particularly well written and. Her performance is exquisite and emotional, never coming across as overthetop. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens is quite a cathartic show to watch yet strangely uplifting, how does the subject matter effect you when it comes to performing the piece.
Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens camden. Its always been a show that i play in my car or sing in the bathroom. This recording by the original london cast of 1993 has been largely overlooked. The work features songs and monologues inspired by the names project aids memorial quilt and edgar lee masters spoon. With elegies for angels, punks and raging queens, which boasts a cast of approximately 40 members of marymount manhattan, russell finds himself not only staging the piece, but also educating young. My brother lived in san francisco from elegies for angels, punks. Last years winter show into the woods upped the ante again.
Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens focuses on over 30 stories told by the deceased. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens union theatre. Elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens concord. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens original london cast recording, an album by elegies original london cast on spotify we and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show you ads based on your interests, and for measurement and analytics purposes. The first full staging of elegies for angles, punks and raging queens was presented by t. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens original. Elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens union. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens youtube. Elegies for angels, punks and raging queens the guide to. Elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens oct 15, 2016. Marc berridge is raising funds for elegies for angels, punks and raging queens on kickstarter. My nephew, scott, is ready to start walkin he grabs my leg to reach. Elegies for angels punks and raging queens message board. Elegies for angels, punks, and raging queens samuel french.
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