Software engineering is needed in every industry and focuses on the application of techniques that ensure the successful completion of a highquality product. Software engineering is an important part of any industry that involves the use of computers. This course aims to introduce students to software engineering, and in particular to the problems of building large systems, safetycritical systems and realtime systems. Software engineering i syllabus course objectives goal. Software engineering is the systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance and retirement of software. Software engineering program educational objectives. Bs software engineering objectives and outcomes trine university. The computer engineering and systems ces program will educate each student to be a responsible and productive engineer who can effectively apply.
Course outline introduction to software engineering. The course will combine a strong technical focus with a capstone project providing the. Course objectives course objectives in this course, students will gain a broad understanding of the discipline of software engineering and its application to the development of and management of software systems. The course will begin with an introduction to software engineering. Be successful professionals in the field with solid fundamental knowledge of software engineering utilize and exhibit strong communication and interpersonal skills. Over the past year, objectives have become more and more important in my life as an engineer as i have been realising how helpful it is to track my. Software engineering is the branch of computer science that creates practical, costeffective solutions to computing and information. There is now a need to set concrete objectives or functional requirements, predict. Within a few years of completion, graduates exhibit the following characteristics. The program will prepare our students to be successful professionals in the field with solid fundamental knowledge of software engineering.
Course objectives in this course, students will gain a broad understanding of the discipline of software engineering and its application to the development of and management of software systems. A complete list of the bs in software engineering program educational objectivesstudent outcomes may be viewed on drexels undergraduate catalog. Join thousands of students studying software engineering methodologies, software design, parallel programming, and software debugging with alisons free online software engineering courses. How to set objectives as a software engineer bits and pieces. This course covers the fundamentals of software engineering, including understanding system requirements, finding appropriate engineering compromises, effective methods of design, coding, and testing, team software development, and the application of engineering tools. This course is aimed at helping students build up an understanding of how to develop a software system from. Novel coronavirus covid19 visit the health advisories website for the latest information on covid19. Software engineering graduates will have a broad liberal. It is a broad course that addresses all of the body of knowledge area of the csqe.
Bachelors degree in software engineering drexel cci. Software engineering is the application of science and mathematics by which. Program objectives, outcomes, and enrollment department of. Learning outcomes computer software engineering sheridan. The application of a systematic, disciplined quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of software. Course objectives software engineering course blog. Phd computer and information sciences and engineering. This course covers the software development process, from requirements elicitation and analysis, through specification and design, to implementation, integration, testing, and maintenance evolution. Software engineer objectives resume objective livecareer.
Reuseability the extent to which a module can be used in multiple applications. Technology, including hardware and software, takes different inputs, such as information, materials and energy, before putting those materials through a. Within a few years after graduation, graduates of the software engineering program should. A fiveyear program is offered in software engineering at fairfields school of engineering, leading to a bachelor of science and master of science dual degree. Software engineering objectives and outcomes school of. It combines a study of methods, tools, and techniques for creating and evolving. This is a course on the techniques for the development and management of softwareintensive products. The software engineering program enables students to acquire, by the time of graduation, the following learning outcomes. This course is designed to help improve your job performance and the quality of your companys software products.
Software engineering objectives of software engineering. Corporate advisory board program educational objectives student learning outcomes programs offered faculty. Be employed in industry, government, or entrepreneurial endeavors to demonstrate professional. Students taking courses in this field will be prepared to help shape the future of business as it develops in an. Wii stroke rehabilitation software graduates of the computer science and computer engineering programs will. At the core of software engineering, strong computer science and technology engineering skills are vital. The purpose of this course is to present software engineering as a body of. The course will initiate students to the different software process models, project management, software requirements engineering process, systems analysis and design as a problemsolving activity, key elements of analysis and design, and the place of the analysis and design phases within the system development life cycle. What are the objectives of software engineering answers.
To provide an advanced understanding and knowledge of the software engineering techniques, techniques to collect software requirements. The educational objectives of the penn state behrend software engineering program are to produce graduates who, within three years after. Have a successful, longlived, software engineering. To view the latest bs in software engineering program. Bs software engineering computer science and engineering. The bs in software engineering program lets students who are passionate about programming explore numerous areas of the industry with handson training. What the software engineer resume objective should tell prospective employers.
Advanced topics in software engineering research, including techniques used in the modeling and analysis of complex systems course objectives. Software engineering mission, objectives and outcomes st. Bs in software engineering objectives and student outcomes. The basic objective of software engineering is to develop methods and procedures for software development that can scale up for large systems and that can be used consistently to produce highquality software at low cost and with a small cycle of time. The software engineering concentration is designed to teach the fundamental tools, techniques, and processes of software engineering. Software engineering iowa state university catalog. Students may also take elective courses in computer engineering and computer science. The software engineering program provides projectrich learning experiences to educate software engineers for success in a rapidly evolving computing field.
The course is designed to present software engineering concepts and principles in parallel with the software development life cycle. Be successfully employed, pursue a graduate degree, or continue their professional education. Correctness the extent to which software meets its specified requirements 3. The program s goal is to provide a professionally guided education in software engineering that prepares graduates to transition into a broad range of career options. The main objectives of software engineering is that. The course will combine a strong technical focus with a capstone project providing the opportunity to practice engineering knowledge, skills, and practices in a realistic development setting with a real client. Our mission is to prepare students for successful careers in software engineering and graduate education with a thorough understanding of software engineering and experiential learning. Need to satisfy user objectives, conform with systems, standards, interfaces. Course objectives software engineering course blog posted. Concentration in software engineering institute for.
Through internships and a mentored project experience, students. Software engineering bs ut dallas 2019 undergraduate. Student learning outcomes software engineering srm university. Objectives and outcomes bs computer engineering and systems. As specified by the accrediting body, this engineering program assures that graduates will be able to. Graduate certificate in software engineering software architecture this course will focus on two major areas. The software engineering curriculum offers many elective choices in software engineering. Software engineering the systematic approach to the design, development, operation, and maintenance of a software system objectives of software engineering 1. Fall 20 page 6 of 6 cse program outcomes outcome description of outcome 1 an ability to apply knowledge of computing, mathematics, science, and engineering 2 an ability to design and conduct. The program will prepare our students to be successful professionals in the field with solid fundamental knowledge of software. Acquire skills in web development, database management, network administration, and more with sheridans software engineering diploma. Bachelor of science in software engineering san jose.
The course will discuss concepts for systematically establishing, defining and managing the requirements for a large, complex, changing and softwareintensive systems, from. Csc 510 software engineering engineering online nc. Software engineering mastertrack certificate coursera. Software engineering concepts, methods, and practices important to both the theorist and the practitioner will be covered. Program educational objectives for software engineering.
The educational objectives of the penn state behrend. The entire range of responsibilities expected of a software engineer are. The educational objectives of the penn state behrend software engineering program are to produce graduates who, within three years after graduation, are able to. Maintainability the ease with which changes in a functional unit can be performed in order to meet prescribed requirements.
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